Idle Knitting Needles

Originally published  Saturday, February 2, 2008

That’s my Anniversary Pi Shawl in the picture. I made it as part of a KAL on the  EZasPi Yahoo group and gave it to my mother who is also a knitter.

I can hardly believe it, but I haven’t knitted a stitch in the past three days. Normally I spend hours a day knitting, so this is highly unusual.

It isn’t as though I don’t have WIP awaiting my hands. I need to finish Gjende, but I ran out of white yarn. I ordered more from Knit Picks, and I received it and have only to finish the sleeves and neckband. But there sits Gjende in my knitting bag, untouched.

I have several socks OTN, and an order for a pair of lucky Irish socks for cousin Vickie that I hope to have done and sent in time for St. Patrick’s Day. But the socks-in-progress have been totally neglected and the Irish socks remain only an idea in my head.

The green yarn the boy selected for his Aran sweater is sitting in a box in the dining room awaiting swatching. And my fuzzy pink mohair moebius scarf hasn’t been touched in days.

So why haven’t I done any knitting? I’m not sure exactly, but I think there are several factors at work.

One of them is that my schedule, such as it is (I’m retired, so schedule is a somewhat meaningless word in my life), has been disrupted by a family illness that has required me to be out of town for sizable stretches twice since January 20th. I’m a creature of habit, and once my routine is disrupted, I have a hell of a time getting back on track.

Another factor is the dearth of anything worth watching on television. I watch television while I knit, but if there is nothing on I want to watch, I will read or play on my computer instead. I wish the writers’ guild would be granted their fair share of revenues from digital sales so that the reruns and crappy reality shows would end. Crappy reality shows. How’s that for redundant?

I think the biggest factor is that I just don’t feel like knitting. My mother taught me to knit when I was nine years old, and we have spent a lot of time together knitting. But now that she is seriously ill and unable to knit, my heart just isn’t in it at the moment.

Normally knitting brings me great comfort. I knitted away during my father’s illness, although the pair of socks I made in his hospital room ended up being way too small because I was knitting so tightly. I had to frog them and start over. LOL

I’m certain I’ll pick up my needles again soon, but not today.


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