
Originally published  Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sometimes time just gets away from me. It’s been over a month since I last posted to this blog. Where do the days go? It’s not as though I have been knitting up a storm. I did finish and block Stora Dimum from Cheryl Oberle’s Folk Shawls in a pretty cobalt blue Jaggerbrothers Maine Line fingering weight wool. I also finally finished a sock that only needed the toe turned. The poor thing had been sitting for a couple of months untouched in my computer desk drawer waiting for the spirit to move me to finish it. Honestly, it couldn’t have taken me more than an hour to complete the round toe—my favorite—and darn in the ends.

Why I have gone for so long between blog entries I cannot say.  I wonder why I didn’t realize how much time had passed since I last posted anything? I mean, what’s up with that? When I was a kid, time seemed to pass so slowly. The days between Thanksgiving and Christmas lasted what, a decade? Now they whiz by in a flash. As a girl, summer vacation seemed to last forever and I was always glad when the start of the new school year finally came. But when I was teaching, summer vacation disappeared in the blink of an eye and although I always enjoyed the start of a new school year and meeting my new students and seeing again the ones I had met the previous year, I cannot say I greeted the start of school with the sort of enthusiasm I felt as a child.

It’s been almost a month-and-a-half since my mother died. It hardly seems possible it’s been that long. I think about her at the oddest moments. Just today as I was cleaning my glass cooktop, a picture of a picture of my mother standing cooking at her stove popped into my head.  Huh? What I mean is that the mental picture in my head was of a photograph I took of my mother when I was in college. I had a mental picture of that photograph of my mother at the stove cooking. Where did that come from? I probably haven’t looked at the picture in ten years. The mind is sometimes mysterious, eh? Crazy things just pop into my crazy brain.

I’d like to be able to slow time down a bit. Well, not actually slow time down, just my perception of time. The days, weeks, months, years just seem to fly by, and there are so many books I have yet to read, and so many patterns I have yet to knit. But there is one good thing about time speeding by—college football season will be here before you know it. Noon to midnight every Saturday, college football and knitting. To quote my dad, “It doesn’t get any better than this!” ☮


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