The Box Top

Originally published   Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yep. That’s right. That’s the top of the box that housed my brand-new MacBook which arrived on Friday. (Thank you FedEx guy! When your first attempt to deliver my MacBook at 9:48 am failed, you came back at 2:30 pm. You knew I really, really, really wanted to get my hands on my new computer. You are my hero! LOL)

Yeah, I don’t need a laptop, but I wanted one.☺ I’m just an Apple junkie.

Here’s the bottom of the box.


And here’s the box when I first opened it.


And here’s my new MacBook. Isn’t it purty?


After a few false starts and a bit of frustration, I finally figured out how to get my MacBook and iMac to talk to each other so that I could copy files from my iMac to my MacBook and print remotely from my MacBook to the printer that is connected to my iMac. It is really simple—as long as you know what you are doing. LOL

And, yeah, since my MacBook arrived on Friday, my knitting has pretty much been on hold. But don’t blame the new laptop. Blame the weather. My knitting is suffering because it has been so damned hot. It feels like summer. It is 90º F here in lovely Carlisle, PA, as I type this. And trust me, knitting a sweater in merino wool in 90º heat just ain’t gonna happen.

I sure hope it cools down quickly once the sun sets so that I can pick up Kinsale during Masterpiece tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.


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